Monday, May 19, 2014

Tallest man in the world.

The turk Sultán Kosen is the highest man of the world.The young person measures 2,465 meters of height and he assured that "it does not want to continue growing any more".

Kosen, of 28 years, was designated as the highest alive man of the world.Born on December 10, 1982 in Mardin, southeast of Turkey, Kosen remembered that when

he was ten years old already it was measuring the same thing that his father, 1,60 meters of height, and that just stopped growing two years behind, when already it was happening from 2,40 meters.

According to him itself it counted, his excessive growth owes to a tumor placed near his brain that the doctors tried to withdraw in three occasions, though without success.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Octopus girl!

This girl is called Lakshmi and has two years of age, four arms and four legs that it has in the zone of the pelvis are the part of what is supposed he was a twin brother.

The girl was born confidential in Diwali's Hindu festival. So the people thought that it was a reincarnation of the goddess Vishnu of 8 arms and they started him praying. His mother believes that it is a gift of the goddess Vishnu with 8 extremities.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Smarest man in the World!

Kim Ung-yong (Korean name, the family name is "Kim", born March 8, 1962) is a Korean who became famous as a child prodigy. Shortly after birth, Kim began to display extraordinary intellectual abilities. He started talking at 6 months and can converse fluently at age 1 year, and was able to read Japanese, Korean, German and English in their third birthday.

Kim was a guest student of physics at Hanyang University from the age of 3 to 6, at 7 years being invited to America by NASA. He finished his university studies, eventually getting a Ph.D. in physics at Colorado State University before turning 16.   

In the book Guiness of the records it is recognized as the man by the highest intellectual coefficient of the world, since it has obtained in IQ's tests a punctuation of 210.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The elastic man.

Garry Turner has a more elastic skin of the world and is known as the 'elastic man'. He suffers from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a genetic disorder of collagen synthesis syndrome. Thanks to his illness Turner feel unique and special.

This man has revolutionized the Internet by having great skin elasticity, which expands to unimaginable places.

Unique among 6,000,000,000, has multiple Guinness record for skin elasticity and hundreds of clips hang clothes have been put on the face, this British made ​​their "physical handicap" a way of life, which is protagonist feels far to make you feel any resort. The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a degeneration of collagen that makes the skin off the meat and become very elastic.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The tree man!!!

Dede Koswura is a farmer 35 years living in Indonesia who has a terrible and strange disease,so that species grow warts on the face and extremities.Hands will have disappeared forming clumps about 30 cm. in diameter.It seems it started when he had an accident and hurt his knee.From that moment the nightmare began naciéndole organic sprouts by way of roots,which outside his pitiful,does not allow you to perform any type of work.

 Koswara,the 'tree man',was a fisherman from Indonesia who, after being abandoned by his wife,sprouted a "foreign estate" of the body.This malformation was because Dede had the human papillomavirus.